Saturday, April 10, 2010

Free Zip Line, downtown SF

Close your eyes and imagine you're flying in British Columbia.

Nevermind. Open them, and take a look at where you really are: suspended above the Justin Herman Plaza (you know that plaza with the huge water fountain across from the Ferry Building, maybe you were even there when U2 played a concert for "Rattle and Hum"). The Bay Bridge spans before you. It's definitely downtown San Francisco.

But really, they want you to think of British Columbia.  Because the urban zip line is a marketing ploy to draw people up north this summer. This is an example of a marketing ploy done right. The zipline is free, and access works something like Disneyland's Fast Pass. You go and get a wristband with a time to stand in line. It's a hastle, and there's a lot of waiting. But it might be worth it.

The zip line is made to mimic the one set up in downtown Vancouver during the Winter Olympics. It's open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. until April 18.

PS - This isn't the only zip line in SF. If you want to go with a group - and pay for the privilege - you can zip, climb, and zoom your way through the Fort Miley Adventure Challenge in Golden Gate Park

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