Monday, July 16, 2007

The Coyote Question: what's going on?

Two coyotes attacked two large dogs walking on leash in Golden Gate Park recently. This was interesting because coyotes are generally thought to only go after small animals; the theory is that the coyotes were probably defending a den with pups.

I've seen or heard coyotes in Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space (which is by my house), the Phleger Estate, Huddart Park, and in the San Carlos hills (Pulgas Open Space). My dog, interestingly enough, has refused to hike up here, and I have assumed that she knows something I don't know. I thought maybe it was the scent of mountain lions that was spooking her, but maybe it was just the coyotes. Who knows?

One thing I know after the reading the article in the Chronicle is that I'm going to be careful with my dogs and my kids hiking around. (The article mentions a coyote attacking a toddler in New Jersey.)

1 comment:

  1. As people increasingly enter areas that have traditionally been where animals lived, I think one has to excpect that they will run across an animal defending it's turf, sooner or later. And with so many dry areas, animals are pushing down into areas where there is water - and people have the water these days.
