Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The New San Mateo City Library

I was working at my office away from office, the San Mateo library. It's a new building, and I love working there because I can go through stacks of magazines or consult the OED as I'm researching. There are comfortable desks set up with outlets for my laptop, and it's a quiet place to work. But I usually don't get past the second floor, where the reference books are. Yesterday, I wandered on up, motivated by nothing but curiosity. What I found astounded me.

On the third floor, there was a coffee shop and a "Teen Area." It was after school hours, and the joint was hopping! There were clusters of teens scattered about the place, talking and giggling and having a great time. Did their parents know that when they said they were going to the library after school, this is what they were doing? Who cares? This was awesome! I would have dug this place as a teen.

It made me realize that our libraries have been changing to face a new world. They no longer just lend books. Modern buildings are architectural destinations in and of themselves, with auditoriums, fun kids furniture, computer centers, lounges, and even coffee shops. They are becoming culturally relevant again. Look out Barnes and Noble, you've got competition.

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