Monday, November 29, 2010

Rancho Siempre Verde, best tree farm in the Bay Area

Since having kids, Christmas/Winter Solstice/Hannakuh has rekindled that magical glow it had when I was a kid. Watching Emil's chubby toddler body bounce up and down as we put up the tree floods my body with endorphins.

There are a few traditions around the Bay Area that we have adopted as our own, beginning with where we get our tree.

Rancho Siempre Verde is a cut-your-own tree farm 10 miles south of Pescadero. Out of the way? Yes. Worth the drive? Most def.

Forty foot swings that fly beneath towering trees with the ocean spread out in the distance, bottomless bags of marshmallows to roast at the bonfire, tractor rides around the ranch, wreathe-making, and the chance to pick your tree out from a wide variety of species. This year we picked an incense cedar, native to California, and as the name implies, gorgeously fragrant.

The only things you pay for are trees ($60, regardless of size, type, weight, etc.) and wreathes ($20 pre-made, $6 or $8 to make your own).  No other charges. Period. Not for parking, not for the fun activities, and not for picnic areas. And did I mention that dogs are totally welcome here? Cleo ran around like the wild mutt she is, sniffing other dogs and having the time of her life. Several families made use of the abundant picnic areas and set up camp for hours.

Rancho Siempre Verde is open 9am to 5pm, every weekend until Christmas, plus on Monday, Dec. 20. To learn more, check out their website: